Stud: Pr. Siau Tsj'oe Jumping Jack Flash (24), Dame : Siau Tsj'oe Red Anouschka (32a)
Born: 17-04-1995, Pedigree: FE.L 94.Si.031.2
Breeder: Adrie Keers, Owner: Henk Keers
Cattery Siau Tsj'oe is happy to announce their great success during the Fife worldshow Arnhem April 7 and 8 1996 World Champion 1996 Siau Tsj'oe Red Crusader. The first Siamese Red point male to obtain the Fife world title.
We have always believed in Crusader. We breed him with lot of patience and careful chosen breedings lines. It is being a great pleasure to have his father Pr. Siau Tsj'oe Jumping Jack Flash (24) hosted by our daughter Cynthia and his mother Siau Tsj'oe Red Anouschka (32a), sister of Eur. Ch. Siau Tsj'oe Cream Applejack, which is still one of our best queens. Together with us they are very proud of their Red son Crusader.
We thank all who have helped us and especially Martine Bureau for letting us use her Eur. Ch. Pendlemist the Shogun (24a) the proud grandfather of Crusader.
Information about Siau Ts'jou cats:
Our site
Tel & Fax 0031 (0) 332986089
Crusader can be considered as a break in the type of the siamese. Our cats have him in there pedigree. We breed a grand son just looking like him. He is the course that we are still breeding red and cream point. An adoreble colour!
Our E-mail address: Calvencade Cats
Created by Klaas van der Heide ©1999
Last update: 27 march 2006
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