Eur.Gr.Int.Ch. and Eur.Gr.Int.Pr. Benny von M�nchhausen (24a)
by Eur.Ch. Suryasun Desperado (24) & Blue Lady von Loe (24a)
Fokker: Fam. M�nch
The colour of the body must be as white as ice. The colour of the points must be cold blue-grey, this is slate-coloured. It is allowed to have a little shading on the back of the body. The colour of the body should not be creme or beige. Points must have the same colour on all paws, the tail, ears and face. A loss of contrast is wrong, you see this often with older cats.
Our E-mail address: calvencadecats
Created by Klaas van der Heide �1999
Last update: 2 april 2001
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